Image by @digital_errors

Full Moon: August 15-18

Keywords: Fiery love, relationships, passion, tension, opportunity for servitude, community, emotional conflict, creativity, financial focus, patience, understanding

Is There Such a Thing as Too Grounded? 

Sometimes. While being grounded is typically a good thing, oftentimes we can find ourselves so fully rooted in the cause and circumstances of our time here on earth that we forget to actually enjoy the beauty that truly is life! Life in all its glory includes the ups, the downs, trials and tribulations and the way we deal with challenging people and circumstances. The astrological and moon cycles of this summer have truly challenged us reflect upon who we are,  our purpose, our relationships and our place on earth. While it is wonderful to lend time to contemplation here and again, it can become all consuming when we allow ourselves to get distracted with situations, people and things that simply will not matter in a year from now. As humans, we can become so deeply rooted in the earth’s comings and goings that we forget to enjoy the lives we have created for ourselves.

During this beautiful full moon in Aquarius, we are invited to get out of our own heads for a bit and take a deep dive into the glorious unknown.

Heal and Serve 

There is truly a healer within all of us. Aquarius is an air sign, and carries the traits of a humanitarian. This full moon, the energies of Aquarius encourage us to tap into our giving sides and observe those around us in our immediate groups or communities who could use extra support. By removing the focus from our own needs and spending our energy on serving others, we will automatically develop rich karmic connections this full moon that will bring great gifts in the future. So put aside some time over the next few days to see where you can offer support and love to someone or a cause close to your heart. Remember though, in order to heal others, you must ensure that your own cup is full. So take time to fill your own cup this full moon by giving energy to what lifts your spirits.

This Sex is On Fire 

As this full moon is opposite the planet Venus, our love lives and relationships may be brought to the forefront. This particular planetary placement lends possibility to potential tension in matters of the heart. As such, it is important to be practice patience in your relationships if you see matters start to get off track. You may find you are longing for fulfillment and attachment in love and as such, a perceived lack in this area can potentially send some in the direction of immediate gratification in the form of overspending, eating or drinking. If you find your heart is longing to expend love and you feel you have no one to spread that too, see above. Extend the love to yourself or embrace serving your community in a productive and kind way.

You’re Already Rich

While financial matters may also be brought to the forefront this full moon, we will do well to remind ourselves of our present riches. Practicing gratitude for our blessings this full moon will offer rewards tenfold. Stepping into an abundance mindset will work towards manifesting riches beyond our dreams.

Above All, Patience

During the full moon in Aquarius, we may find ourselves still in the middle of where we were and where we want to go. Patience, reflection and gratitude are our best friends. Practicing self-love and spending time showing your loved ones how you care will go a long way. Don’t look too far ahead. Take a swim and enjoy the pleasant, gentle movement of the stream of life.