Moon Cycle: November 7th – December 5th 

Full Moon: November 22nd

Keywords: Forgiveness, Transformation, Healing, Empathy, Spiritual Closeness, Manifestation, Compassion

The past moon cycle may have left you feeling slightly exposed and raw in the heart. Emotions were coursing through our spirits this past month, with Venus Retrograde still rampant and the full moon in Taurus unleashing our ego. It is entirely possible that we may have had our backs up, and tensions flared in our closest relationships, including our relationship with self. If you felt slightly out of alignment these past few weeks and had trouble finding your centre, rest assured that the new moon in Scorpio brings with it a compassionate energy that will bring relief and healing to the wounds we allowed to come to the surface this past moon.

Forgive Others, Forgive Yourself

One of the major ways we can embrace healing is through the act of forgiveness. What tensions were stirred within our closest relationships this past moon? Most importantly, what occurred during the past month that may have challenged our relationship with self? This new moon in Scorpio brings with it a compassionate energy that we can leverage to soothe and nourish our raw wounds, allowing us to extend forgiveness to those who may have done us wrong, while also allowing forgiveness to heal our own relationship with self.

This new moon, it will be important to embrace our love of self, as well as conduct strong acts of self-care and self-love. If we can nourish our most valuable resources (our inner being and our bodies) we are rightly prepared for the positive and strong transformations that this new moon can bring.

Manifesting and Transformation

The new moon in Scorpio will be an opportune time to manifest the goals and dreams we have long had in heart. This moon cycle brings with it a strong energy of transformation, that we can leverage to our benefit, with love and grace. Make sure to strongly dictate your intentions this new moon, while evaluating in your life what it is you would like to transform. Ask yourself if you are ready to become a newer version of yourself, and if you are open to what this new role will mean for you. Further to, the manifestation energy of this new moon is strong, however, we may need to revert back to the theme of forgiveness before we are able to embrace our next level of abundance. Stay true to yourself and see where you need to extend forgiveness in your life, or where you need to ask for it. Be humble, and more forward once forgiveness is granted.

Compassion and Grace

Above all, this new moon is optimal for compassion and charity. You may find your empathy to be strong. Remember that there is nothing wrong with filling your own cup before tending to the needs of others. Put your goals, dreams and health first, then move on to care for those around you from a place of complete abundance.