Image by @digital_errors

New Moon: April 5th

Key Words: Surrender, Alignment, Manifesting, Soul Journey, Resist the Ego, Highest Truth, Opportunity, Evolve, Grow and Let Go

One of the most difficult parts of any life journey is working hard towards something we think we want, only to be shown later in some capacity that it’s actually not what we want at all. Don’t be surprised during April’s moon cycle if you hit a wall with a project or life choice you have been working diligently on. In fact, don’t be surprised if you realize suddenly that what you think has been your life’s work turns out that it has only been a stepping stone to the next phase in your soul’s journey.

Yikes! Sounds terrifying, right? Change always is, especially when it comes suddenly. This new moon in Aries marks the midway point of a fiercely telling energy portal that was triggered by the March Super Moon and that will close during April’s full moon. This strong energy will rain clarity on situations that may have been leaving murky question marks throughout your life.

Face-To-Face with The Ego

Many of our life’s choices are ego-driven, when we sit down and think about them. What have you been prioritizing in your life the past few years? Are you able to identify which part of you has been driving you to put energy into these areas? Is it your ego or is it what your soul has truly desired? Remember, we change and we change frequently, so don’t be afraid if suddenly something that has mattered so much to you in the past few years doesn’t seem to matter much at all any more.

This new moon asks us to go dark with it and retreat back into our souls. Connect with your inner being and work to shut down the ego, the fears and the old belief patterns that tell us what a successful life needs to look like. You are not here on this earth simply to show people from your high school that your life is good because it looks like it on Instagram. You are here because your soul wanted to incarnate itself within your body for a journey and a purpose beyond explanation.

But Success Is Good Too, No?

Of course! Along with the seriousness of this new moon, there is great potential for rewarding opportunity afoot! After a harsh winter, we are ready to embrace the abundance of spring, both in season and in life. If you have been putting in the work this winter, expect opportunity to shine down upon you. There is amazing potential for success in both business and in relationships. Note that we may be prone to discouragement this new moon, in spite of the wealth of exciting opportunity before us. Remember to ground yourself when you feel slightly overwhelmed and ask yourself if your fears and insecurities are truly valid or if your ego is simply running amok?

Let Go and Get Aligned

In short, this new moon invites us to let go. If something isn’t making you happy, even if it has been the centre of your world for the past decade like a relationship or a home or a job, then let it go. Let it GO! Embrace freedom. Do what you need to do to find alignment and reignite your fire.